Saturday, June 25, 2005




在這段之前的內容我很同意 ,這段就不敢拘同了。




以我所知,美國有關互聯網的官司不斷,亦因如此,有一批人看見了法例未必跟得上科技的神速進展,盲目依循舊例,或只有利益業界參與改例的話可能會打擾到End users 的權益,亦有機會妨礙資訊自由流通(絕不是籍口!),所以成立了Electronic Frontier Foundation ,請看看其Mission:

If America's founding fathers had anticipated the digital frontier, there would be a clause in the Constitution protecting your rights online, as well.

Instead, a modern group of freedom fighters was necessary to extend the original vision into the digital world.

That's where the Electronic Frontier Foundation comes in.

Just as Patriots fought for liberty and freedom, we fight measures that threaten basic human rights. Only the dominion we defend is the vast wealth of digital information, innovation, and technology that resides online.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a group of passionate people — lawyers, technologists, volunteers, and visionaries — working in the trenches, battling to protect your rights and the rights of web surfers everywhere. The dedicated people of EFF challenge legislation that threatens to put a price on what is invaluable; to control what must remain boundless.

Electronic Frontier Foundation: Because being able to share ideas and information is the reason the Web was created in the first place!

他們並沒有反對互聯網安全制度,也不認為版權不重要,所以還依據互聯網的自由持性而創立並推廣Creative Commons ,且正和政府商家進行種種良性角力,從民間/專家/政府/各利益業界的意見去集思廣益,一場一場的討論和修訂下去,若有官司打的話法院可從中學習及重新思考現存條文與新技術/文化的關係,從一個個案例奠定一些改變的基礎。

這是對於互聯網和版權意識十分成熟的社會才會有的,更深一層的反思和行動,你最後一段說的應是: "香港對互聯網的了解和版權意識還停留在蠻荒時代" 吧!

Whisper at the Tolo Harbour: Creative Commons的發展背景〔一〕-- 美國版權法的發展


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