How to Blog Safely?
別誤會,這篇文不是教人如何防治Spam comment之類的,被騙的話請認命看下去吧!呵呵呵呵呵呵(自大狀)
好吧好吧,香港Blog文化還未發展至美國哪樣蓬勃,還没有人因Blogging而被開除,但最近在EFF(Electronic Frontier Foundation)看見這篇 “How to Blog Safely”的文,姑且看看自己究竟Safe不Safe 。
Blog Anonymously
- Use a Pseudonym and Don't Give Away Any Identifying Details
連Title都叫Absolut Regina 了,難道還睜着眼晴堅決否認本人是Regina?不過我是中國人!可以睜着眼晴堅決否認Regina是XXX!
- And remember that almost any kind of personal information can give your identity away
- When you write about your workplace, be sure not to give away telling details.
我有寫過workplace,不過已極其詭秘地删除了公司名 –待我日後更詭秘地建立一個Anti-XXXXX的Blog “唱衰”它!
- Obviously, don't use real names or post pictures of yourself
Obviously, Regina絕不是XXX,更不會Post Pictures of myself以免嚇走難得到此一遊的綱友。
- don't use pseudonyms that sound like the real names they're based on
雖然某混蛋真配得起混蛋之名,不過即使知道了是指他又如何?本人熱烈歡迎某混蛋對號入座自認混蛋!(到時要再加 蠢材 兩個字)
- Also, if you are concerned about your colleagues finding out about your blog, do not blog while you are at work. Period. You could get in trouble for using company resources like an Internet connection to maintain your blog, and it will be very hard for you to argue that the blog is a work-related activity.
我不會有閒情在公司Blogging的,要get in trouble的話不會是因Blogging, 應是Surfing。
- Use Anonymizing Technologies. There are a number of technical solutions for the blogger who wishes to remain anonymous.
- Limit Your Audience
- Don't Be Googleable
Blog Without Getting Fired
1. Political Opinions
Many states, including California, include sections in their Labor Code that prohibit employers from regulating their employees' political activities and affiliations, or influencing employees' political activities by threatening to fire them.
2. Unionizing
In many states, talking or writing about unionizing your workforce is strongly protected by the law, so in many cases blogging about your efforts to unionize will be safe. Also, if you are in a union, it's possible that your contract may have been negotiated in a way that permits blogging.
哪……..在美國的話anti-XXXXX 的Blog 早開了!
3. Whistleblowing
Often there are legal shields to protect whistleblowers--people who expose the harmful activities of their employers for the public good. However, many people have the misconception that if you report the regulatory violations (of, say, toxic emissions limits) or illegal activities of your employer in a blog, you're protected. But that isn't the case.
4. Reporting on Your Work for the Government
If you work for the government, blogging about what's happening at the office is protected speech under the First Amendment. It's also in the public interest to know what's happening in your workplace, because citizens are paying you with their tax dollars. Obviously, do not post classified or confidential information.
提到First Amendment……….想起了23條。
5. Legal Off-Duty Activities
Some states have laws that may protect an employee or applicant's legal off-duty blogging, especially if the employer has no policy or an unreasonably restrictive policy with regard to off-duty speech activities.
這個….不知要到何時才有 。
Blog without Fear
Blogs are getting a lot of attention these days. You can no longer safely assume that people in your offline life won't find out about your blog, if you ever could. New RSS tools and services mean that it's even easier than ever search and aggregate blog entries. As long as you blog anonymously and in a work-safe way, what you say online is far less likely to come back to hurt you.
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